Saturday, May 24, 2014

Whole-Brain Living and Learning - now part of an online resource about neuroscience and learning

What a surprise! Three weeks ago I received an email from Scott Hawksworth, CEO of Best Online Universities, who asked if I would allow my Blog to become part of "an upcoming article on research and neuroscience, which is changing the way we think about learning."

I'm delighted to share that this article has now been published, and Whole-Brain Living and Learning is included - among very good company (starting with MIT and Stanford)!

You can click here to see the entire article. Scroll down and you'll see that Whole-Brain Living and Learning is #88 in the resource list. 

I love that information about physical movement, and especially Brain Gym®, is getting out into the world. Please share widely - it's a great list of resources!

With all best wishes,


To leave a comment, click here to access this article as a separate page, and scroll down. Thanks! 
Click here for a link to the website for my book, Educate Your Brain

Copyright © Kathy Brown 2014. All rights reserved
Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International • Ventura, CA •


  1. Frankie CardamoneMay 24, 2014 at 9:00 PM

    Awesome, Kathy Brown. Getting it out there.!

  2. Thanks, Frankie! I'm so glad the word of movement-based learning is expanding into the mainstream!

  3. Wonderful work, Kathy! You are an inspiration. Keep up the good work.

  4. Kathy, this is very edifying to have your work listed in this prestigious publication. I have really been enjoying your book and have spoken to my Brain Gym 101 students about it. Thank you for sharing your expertise! Patricia Rendón

    1. Patricia - Thank you for sharing this information about movement-based learning. You're helping to get the word out there! All the best, Kathy
