There I sat in my office, with a teenage girl I’ll call
Sherry in the opposite chair, and her mother sitting not far away. Sherry was
not happy to be there.
She had struggled for years with academics despite much special help, and now, as a junior in high school, Sherry was thoroughly discouraged. It took huge amounts of effort for her to accomplish a
minimal amount of schoolwork. Her mother had arranged for this session.
So, there she sat. I did my best to engage her in light
“getting to know you” kinds of conversation that I typically use at the
beginning of a first session with a young client, but she refused to be drawn
out that way. Her attitude was distant, and her answers were monosyllabic.
Finally, I simply asked the question that I often ask children when parents bring them to my office: “Do you have any idea why you’re here?”
“No,” she said.
“OK,” I said. “Let me tell you a bit about myself and what I
do, and maybe you’ll have an idea why your mother set up this
And I proceeded to tell her about my background: I taught school for 23 years, and every year
there were children in my class who I could tell were intelligent, but who couldn’t
demonstrate it through their reading, writing, or math. Every year I did my
best to work with these children, many of whom got extra help from special
teachers, but it was never enough for them to finally have learning be easy and
fun. I was frustrated and disheartened, seeing all this intelligence going
unrecognized, and seeing children so discouraged and sad.
I took a leave of absence
from teaching, and bumped into this thing called Brain Gym®, a
system for understanding ourselves as learners, and helping ourselves (and
others) learn more easily. Everything in the courses
I took made so much sense to me. I finally began to understand the challenges
I’d experienced in my own life as a learner, and the challenges I’d been
observing in my students for all those years. And not only did I begin to see
where the stuck places came from, I found that the tools and processes of Brain
Gym can help un-stick the learning process, so reading, writing, and other
kinds of schoolwork can be so much easier.
I suspect that you
cannot imagine your schoolwork ever being easy. I want to tell you that, with a
few simple shifts, it’s possible that this could be so.
Throughout this entire time, Sherry’s gaze was down at her
lap, and she barely moved. She didn’t look like she had much interest or faith
in anything I’d said. I had a feeling that she was listening, though, so I carried
I switched gears, and said, “Could I check your eyes?” At
that, she looked up. I said, “I’d like to find out whether you’re right- or
left-eyed. I think it would help us discover why you’ve had such a challenge
with your schoolwork.”
She agreed to do this. My simple eye check determined that
she was, as I suspected, left-eyed.[1]
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Left eye tracking on its own |
I drew a little diagram, and then explained it to her:
Our eyes seem to be
such a matched pair that it often surprises people to find out that they don’t operate
identically. One eye takes a leading role, and the other eye offers
supplemental information.
Our right eye most
naturally tracks left-to-right, the same way we read. The left eye, however,
most naturally tracks right-to-left, opposite the way we read. If a person is left-eyed, and if their two brain hemispheres are not sharing
information easily, then the left eye most likely will end up operating on its own, without help from the right eye. Then reading could end up being a struggle, since it will take energy and focus to make your eyes track the "right" way. This is really tiring, and it's hard to maintain for long. [2]
You’re left-eyed. I also
suspect that your two brain hemispheres aren’t easily communicating with each other. Your mother told me that when you
were a baby you skipped the crawling stage, so your circumstance makes sense
to me. Crawling helps to teach our brain how to use both hemispheres at the
same time, which is necessary for reading to be easy. You didn’t get that lesson early on. This is not your fault.
I think you’ve had
such challenges with school because your brain hasn’t been organized in the
right way for reading.
This has absolutely
nothing to do with how hard you try, or how much you care. It’s like all your ability
has been locked up in a box, without any way to show the world how creative and
intelligent you are.
I paused for a moment, to let these words sink in.
Anyone who’s stuck
like this has a huge uphill battle in regard to schoolwork. I suspect that it’s
been incredibly challenging for you. I actually can’t imagine how you’ve managed all
these years. The fact that you’re still going to school, doing your best every
day while struggling in this way, is absolutely amazing to me. I think you
deserve an award simply for showing up.
Connecting with hidden abilities
At this point, I paused again. Sherry had given me a couple
of slight glances while I explained these things, but was back to looking at
her lap. Then I continued:
An important part of
my work is to help people connect with their hidden abilities. We do this by
setting an intention about the change we want, noticing how stuck we feel about it, and then using simple physical
movements that help us to release stress or take on new, more helpful patterns.
I expect you can’t imagine how in the world this could help. My experience is that it typically does help, and you’ll see some kind of difference right away.
I expect you can’t imagine how in the world this could help. My experience is that it typically does help, and you’ll see some kind of difference right away.
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the right eye now teams with the left, so both easily track left-to-right. |
I drew another diagram.
Our Brain Gym session
could have the effect of teaching your two brain hemispheres how to communicate more easily with each other. Then, your two eyes would work more easily together. Your right eye would be able
to help your left eye track left-to-right, same as the way we read. This could
make reading much easier.
Whatever process we do
will probably take about twenty minutes. You’re here right now. You’ve probably
never done anything like this, and it could seem like a really strange thing to
do, but it will probably help. Would you be willing to take these few minutes
to find out?
Sherry nodded her head, and we began our balance process. She did begin to
engage with me a bit at this point, briefly answering questions, but not
volunteering much information beyond that.
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The Cross Crawl |
together we set a simple goal: “I read easily.” When I invited her to say this out loud she could hardly speak the words.
She said, "This seems impossible." I nodded and said, "I believe you. You've struggled with reading for a long time. It would be crazy for these words to seem true right now."
For a pre-check of her reading ability, Sherry made a selection from my shelf of kids’ books, choosing a one at about her comprehension level (fifth grade). She read a page from it, haltingly and mechanically, in a flat voice.
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Lazy 8s |
For a pre-check of her reading ability, Sherry made a selection from my shelf of kids’ books, choosing a one at about her comprehension level (fifth grade). She read a page from it, haltingly and mechanically, in a flat voice.
Sherry’s balance called on two Brain Gym movements, Lazy 8s
and the Double Doodle, and then the Dennison Laterality Repatterning process.
She was surprised to find that after the DLR her
Cross Crawl was suddenly effortless and natural.
"Wow," she said, "this feels easy now!"
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The Double Doodle |
"Wow," she said, "this feels easy now!"
I'm reading!
When these activities were complete, Sherry said she felt
“done,” and I invited her to read again from her book. This time her voice was
resonant, and flowed from one word to the next. She looked up at me, stunned,
and said, “I'm reading! And I understand what I’m reading! How did this happen?” I said:
I don't have x-ray vision, so I'll make an educated guess about what just happened. It seems to me that your
brain is now organized for reading, in a way it never was before. Your two
brain hemispheres are evidently working together more efficiently, and that is
what is making your reading easier.[3]
Sherry was now happily looking up, finally daring to smile. She still said very little, but I was content knowing that she’d experienced a significant change – one that had the potential to make a huge shift in her schoolwork, and her feelings about herself as a learner, and in life.
My fleeting thought at this point was that I had never talked so much during a Brain Gym session, and I felt a bit awkward about that. Then I recognized that this was the only way this particular session could have proceeded.
My focus throughout the balance had been on Sherry, but I’d
also been aware of her mother, who was sitting nearby. She had previously come for her own Brain Gym session, so she knew a bit of what to expect. Even so, she
was clearly stunned with the change in Sherry’s reading, and shared her
amazement with us.
By now Sherry was opening up, and she participated more fully in the conversation. Our session concluded with Sherry selecting some of the
Brain Gym activities she’d experienced as daily “homeplay,” to help deepen
the experience of her new learning. I reminded her that she could choose to do
PACE and any other Brain Gym activities before she began her schoolwork, her sports activities, or at any other time throughout the day. Her
mother bought a copy of Brain Gym® Teacher's Edition, which fully describes the 26 Brain Gym movements, so they could begin to learn
them all.
Finally, Sherry and her mother gathered their things in
preparation for departing. As they neared the door, Sherry paused, looked up at
me, and with great feeling said, “Thank
you for teaching me.”
I told Sherry she was most sincerely welcome, that I loved sharing Brain Gym with her, and that I wished her well in her studies. I bade them farewell, and closed the door behind them.
Then I paused where I stood, rather stunned, reflecting on what Sherry had said: Thank you for teaching me. I think it’s one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever received.
Then I paused where I stood, rather stunned, reflecting on what Sherry had said: Thank you for teaching me. I think it’s one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever received.
Warm regards to you all,
I share one method of determining “leading eye” in my book, Educate Your Brain. See Chapter 11, “Ready for Reading.” As I explain in that chapter, however, some people develop compensations that may make it appear that they're right-eyed when they're not. Brain Gym® Consultants are trained in how to do more in-depth checks using kinesiology (muscle checking). All this said, which eye a person leads with is actually irrelevant, except for purposes of understanding himself as a learner. If he experiences any kind of reading challenges, Brain Gym balancing has the potential for supporting transformative change.
[2] About 70% of people are right-eyed, and 30% are left-eyed. In my experience, about 90% of children in special education classes are left-eyed. How much of their “learning disability” is the fact that their two brain hemispheres are not working together in an integrated way, and how much change would they all experience if their hemispheres were an integrated team? However - just being left-eyed is not a problem, as long as the person's two brain hemispheres are easily sharing information. Many left-eyed people are fine readers!
[3] This is a very simplified description. Chapter 11 of my book Educate Your Brain, mentioned above, holds a much more complete description of all the interior changes that are occurring as someone finally shifts to fluent reading. You may be surprised to know that a key element has to do with the ability to listen to your inner voice, so you can "hear" the text you're reading.
[2] About 70% of people are right-eyed, and 30% are left-eyed. In my experience, about 90% of children in special education classes are left-eyed. How much of their “learning disability” is the fact that their two brain hemispheres are not working together in an integrated way, and how much change would they all experience if their hemispheres were an integrated team? However - just being left-eyed is not a problem, as long as the person's two brain hemispheres are easily sharing information. Many left-eyed people are fine readers!
[3] This is a very simplified description. Chapter 11 of my book Educate Your Brain, mentioned above, holds a much more complete description of all the interior changes that are occurring as someone finally shifts to fluent reading. You may be surprised to know that a key element has to do with the ability to listen to your inner voice, so you can "hear" the text you're reading.
Click here for a link to the website for my book, Educate Your Brain
Copyright© 2014 by Kathy Brown. All rights reserved.
Brain Gym® movement photos © Laird Brown. All rights reserved.
Eye-lead sketches © Kathy Brown. All rights reserved.
Clipart image of girl © All rights reserved.
Brain Gym® s a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International, Ventura, California •
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